
  1. Emperor Battle For Dune Windows 7 Patch Notes
  2. Emperor Battle For Dune Windows 7 Patch 10
  3. Emperor Battle For Dune Install Windows 10

Author: N.Kindt, D2K Sardaukar and MVI
Please read the readme files carefully, and also the notes below.

Emperor Battle For Dune Windows 7 Patch Notes


The patch is finally ready, and the bugs like crashes in starport menu are gone now. You can finally play Dune 2000 in hi-res, which makes selecting units and pending to the map a lot easier. Please note: in order to get both the sub-houses fix and the mission select mod working with the script, you should install both BEFORE you apply the high-res patch. It is also advised (according to the readme) to install the patch on a fresh copy of Dune 2000, without old hi-res patches or unfinished mods. The vanilla (original CD) version of Dune 2000 and the patched-for-multiplayer version (with Windows 7 fixes & IPX fixes) are supported. As of 1.4.0 there is also support for undoing the patch.

Update: 1.4.1 is now available, which adds acceptable 8-bit support.

Emperor Battle For Dune Windows 7 Patch

Editor Note: Please note that this does not work with the CnCNet patch or the GruntMods Edition, as they use a newer incompatible version of the patching framework, which includes a newer version of the High Resolution patch that works with online multiplayer.

Emperor Battle For Dune Windows 7 Patch 10

Emperor battle for dune install

Emperor Battle For Dune Install Windows 10

Download Emperor: Battle for Dune Patch v1.09 (5.6 MB) by Westwood Studios. Emperor: Battle for Dune installation fix. Author: Intelligent Games Purpose: Official patch Download EMPENGINSTFIX10.ZIP (287 KB) The official installation fix for Emperor: Battle for Dune which removes the SafeDisc copy protection system, but retains the disc check, and enables installation from the hard drive rather than the disc 1 itself for people who need assistance with installing. Emperor: Battle for Dune v1.07 patch (German) Addresses a few gameplay and multiplayer issues for Westwood's new real-time strategy game. You might also be interested in Emperor: Battle for Dune v1.07 patch (English).