Click the Font drop-down menu (it probably says “Arial” on your document, as that's the default for Google Docs) on the Google Docs toolbar. Then click More fonts to open the window shown directly below. There you can select a full collection of Google fonts to add to Docs' Font drop-down menu. You can use the drop-down menu to add new fonts to Google Slides Jumping back to my presentation in Google Slides, let's go ahead and update one of the text boxes with a custom font. I'll select the text by highlighting it and then come up to the Fonts drop-down menu. Let's click on it and then choose More fonts.
Uses of Google Docs: Google docs is a document writing and editing web application under google drive developed by Google. It means you can create documents, edit .doc files (Microsoft Word files), write letters, create reports, newsletters, banners, brochures, and almost anything that you need for official works.
It means google docs is a word processing software application and the functionality is similar to Microsoft Word. If you’re unable to purchase Microsoft word, or need alternative or prime solutions for official documentation then you can use google docs.
The parent application of google docs is google drive. It’s available for every Gmail user. If you have Gmail ID then you can use it as long as you want. Google docs are free, but if you need more space and advanced functions then you can buy a premium plan. But the free version is very useful almost all.
So in this article, I will share some of the uses and benefits of using Google docs for personal, professional and educational works. I hope it will be helpful for you.
So let’s begin:
1. Create and edit documents:
Just like Microsoft Word desktop application, you can create and edit documents in google docs with ease. You can create various documents such as the application for water supply connection, electricity complaint form, admission forms, inquiry form, tables, newsletter, and almost anything. You can also use google docs to write an article draft, ebook or books.
2. Work with team members simultaneously:
You can work with an editor in real-time. For example, you’re writing an article for publishing and you want editing and proofreading help. So in Google docs, you can invite your editor to join and edit the sentences or article.
Not only that, if you’re a creating a form or want, but finding it difficult to execute certain paragraph, styling, and technical thing then you can also invite your team members to help you.
It means anyone from the world through any device can collaborate with you on the documents. And you can see what’s are the changes and development.
It’s just mean that you’re providing access to the world through email id to read, write, comment on your document file.
4. Use in all devices:
You can start creating the document using the desktop at home. Now without the use of email, file transfer, pen drive, you can access the same document in your laptop at the office. And you’re going for a meeting and need to travel 50 km in car/bus and have spare time there then you can access the same file in the car/bus by using a mobile device. The only things that make google docs powerful are its flexibility in use and ease of access on any device.
Else you have an only word processor that is installed in your office computer and you want to edit the file later in the home, then you need to transfer that file to your pen drive and then you attach the pen drive at home pc and then start editing. While Microsoft word has similar features now and but the use of google docs is a little innovative and new.
5. Track changes:
I can track the changes that my team members and students did in the document. I can see it in real-time and also after an hour. So it’s a very easy and useful feature for managers, teachers, and government authorities to track the progress on the file, assignments, and notifications.
6. AutoSave/Storage:
Almost all computer users have faced electricity cut once in life and in which they forget to save their documents. And they found later that their work has vanished. I mean the importance of saving files before cloud computing application or cloud store or google docs or online Microsoft word or autosave functionality was not in the trend. And not all use UPS (uninterruptible power supply).
But it’s not a problem now, it’s because in google docs your document is getting auto-saved while you’re working or typing. Even the browser is now able to save the sessions on accident shut down of computer/laptop.
Due to this advanced technological development, it’s saving the times of users. So using Google docs for highly important works is preferable and there is no risk of losing data in one accidental click. And the file is automatically stored to google drive. Google drive is just alike folder on the internet to save documents and access the folder anytime on any device.
7. Share with anyone:
You don’t need to send an email by attaching the document in email, you don’t need to print and even you don’t need to courier your files. You can share your file with anyone by using his/her email id. It’s just that easy.
Even you can make it public, you can invite views on the document from others in which they can provide feedback on the documents file in comments.
8. Chat with team members:
When someone joins you on the document then you can chat with them on a certain line, sentence, paragraph, and style. It helps to progress more for both team members.
9. Uses Add-on:
There are various add-ons that you can use in Google docs and it’s a very handy feature. By default their basic and essential tools already available that are important for Word processing or document writing and editing. But in case you need advanced functions and features just go to the add-ons menu and search or find the feature you’re looking for.
The concept here of add-on is that you can modify or personalize your document writing and editing works and word processing applications.
1o. Use it for free:
Till 15 GB you can store all your documents files in google drive by default. but if you want to extend then you can choose the premium plan.
Now the free version is very useful for students, freelancers and professionals to test, use and if it’s helpful then move to more advanced features and storage space. Not all can buy the yearly or monthly plan of SAAS based application or software’s that’s why Google docs/google drive is very helpful for students and low-income freelancers.
Related: What is cloud storage and what are its advantages
11. Download file in various formats:
You can download or upload or convert and edit your documents or text files in any version. Such as you can download .docx to use in Microsoft Word. You can convert or download the files into a PDF version and even .html and .txt files.
12. Some of the other important features:
You can send the document as an attachment in Email from google docs. For example, you can create your resume and then send it as an attachment to keep the formatting and styles when it is received by the HR department.
You can make it public as a notification and link back the URL from your twitter, Facebook profile. This practice can be helpful for freelancers, bankers, teachers, and even students for various business, social and educational things.
You can set up it to work offline by using google docs offline extension.
13. Add fonts:
You can use google fonts and almost all kind of fonts and languages in your documents:
14. Pre-Defined templates:-
If you don’t how to create a resume, reports, brochure, letters then don’t worry, there are pre-designed templates just for you. You just need to replace the existing text with your own text.
15. Voice typing:
You can also use voice typing. It means while you’re giving a speech or teaching students any theory and ideas and at that time, google docs can keep typing the dialogue and lecture that you’re giving to your team and students. And later after little editing and proofreading, you can share that file in your blog, podcast or with students and team members on Facebook or WhatsApp.
Uses of Google docs for Students:
1. Students can use google docs to create and edit class notes.
How To Upload Fonts To Google
2. When lecture starts or topic starts students can turn on voice typing to type the voice of teachers into text. That later they can change or edit it. It can be helpful to understand the words, pronunciations.
3. Students can research on as quickly as teachers told something to them about the subject in real-time.
4. Students can collaborate with each other on a single document where group assignments need to be submitted.
5. Students can use google docs as a notebook and they can do all their homework on google docs that teachers can check the next day or at the same time.
6. Google docs is a paperless content creation tool that helps to reduce the consumption of papers for rough works. It means students can use as many documents as they want. They don’t need to cut the paper, only they just delete the content that is not correct.
7. Students can also read, watch, edit, and learn from other students’ document files when someone shared the document files with them. For example, traditionally students take a notebook of other students to complete the homework or to just copy, but if they exchange or share the document file it will save their time and resources.
8. Google docs are also helpful for students doing online degrees and online courses. While taking classes online students and teachers can interact with each other on the notes. Such as they can comment on a certain paragraph, they can chat, they can do research on work, etc.
9. Students can use google docs to showcase their assignment with more than one teacher. It means class teacher, principal, and even parents can see what their kids and how their kids are performing in the subject.
10. Students can use google docs to store and save the documents, notes and all kinds of educational content as long as they want. Later in their career, if they need certain formulas, class notes, teachers’ lectures, and at that time they can visit google drive and find the files, notes, information, and data.
11. For example, we have used notebooks in school/home to create and save documents. But after 20 years, today, we don’t know where are our files and notebooks. We lost them with time. But if today’s students can use google docs or google drive or cloud store technology then they can access those files in 2030 and even they can share that with their kids without losing them.
This is the power and uses of technology in education. And it’s very effective for students if they found good guidance and education on the uses of technology or google docs.
Related:Top 10 Essential Computer Skills for College Students
Uses of google docs in Business or profession:
Google docs are for business and its innovative word processing application that is based on cloud computing and cloud storage technologies. And the uses of google docs in business are very effective and productive.
1. Google docs saved the cost to create and edit documents. You don’t need to buy a paid plan for document writing and editing. Especially you’re a small business and need some document writing works. In home-based business or small business the less you have the cost on production the more you can invest in the marketing. That’s why using google docs and google drive even till 15 GB is very effective. After that according to your demand and importance, you can choose the premium plan of google docs or Microsoft Word.
2. You can use google docs to create notification, updates, media reports and to share information with your team and clients. For this, you have to use email ids of the team and clients.
3. You can use google docs to invite suggestions on a particular subject. Such as if you want to increase the prices of your certain services or if you want to set prices for the services and you have existing clients, then you can invite your clients to suggest the prices or pricing plan with you.
Can You Upload Your Own Fonts In Google Docs Word
4. The most important part of google docs is sharing, auto storage, real-time editing, and collaboration. And these are an important part of the profit system in any organization and business. And when you or your team are able to collaborate with each other from anywhere, anytime on any device, then it will increase the speed of the business process. The speed of execution in business is very important to make more profit. That’s why the features of google docs such as sharing, editing, chat, downloading on any format, file conversion are very effective.
Related: Helpful uses of cloud computing for businesses
5. If you’re a writer, blogger or freelancer then google docs is the best method to write an article draft, make notes, write proposal samples and track the development of clients and team members.
The above uses and features explained are not only useable in IT-related businesses and professionals but also in medical, banking, marketing, publishing, education, and governments.
The uses can differ as per the creativity and skills of the user and team leader of the organization. Once you’re familiar with google docs then you can explore the advantages of using it for your daily life, business, and professional works. Almost all kinds of works that you do in Microsoft word, you can also do that on google docs.
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I admit it, I am a font junkie. I can spend ages picking just the right font for a project. Sometimes I think Google is a total enabler of my OCD habits. Thanks to my wonderful Twitter friends, I have a new way to add extra fonts in Google Docs!
In case you were not aware of it, you have been able to use more than just the default fonts in Google for a while now. On the font menu drop-down, simply select More Fonts, and then you can browse a huge list of fonts. One click is all it takes to add it to or remove it from your font menu.
That’s been a great tool, but sometimes I want an easier way to visualize fonts together or to quickly modify fonts on parts of my document. There’s a new add-on in town called Extensis Fonts that gives you a font panel on the right hand side of your screen to make it easy to find your perfect fonts. To enable it, follow these steps.
1. On your menu bar at the top, click on Add-Ons. Go to Get Add-Ons.
2. When the Add-Ons menu appears, use the search box in the upper right corner to search for fonts. Extensis Fonts should be one of the results. Click the blue FREE button, and then click the blue ACCEPT button to add it to your Drive.
3. Once Extensis is installed, you can find it by clicking on your Add-Ons menu. Simply click on Extensis Fonts, and then Start. The panel will then open on the right, and you can highlight text in your document and click on a font to change it.